What kind of SPC high-speed line processing solution can keep users' hearts? When we buy anything, the important thing is the user experience. When the user's experience is very good, I believe he will become one of your loyal users. However, if we want our customers to become one of them, diamond tool manufacturers need to make great efforts. Your quality determines the feelings of your users. Once your quality fails to meet the needs of users, your products will only disappoint your customers and eventually lose the trust of users!
Therefore, during the production of cutting tools, the employees are very deliberately required. From every step of the cutting tools, we need to carry out very strict inspection. Once problems are found, they should be solved. Never send the tools with quality problems to the users.
1、 When selecting the cutter bar, the appearance must be intact. The size and quality of each cutter bar are strictly inspected, and the error must not exceed 0.1mm. 2、 When slotting the tool, each blade groove must be identical, and the error cannot exceed 0.1mm, otherwise the blade will not meet the requirements during welding. 3、 When the tool is grinding, the requirements are more stringent. Once it does not meet the requirements of the user, the products produced by the user will not meet their own requirements. This will make the user feel strongly dissatisfied. Once the user is not satisfied, he will lose the user's heart, which is equivalent to losing the order. How to retain the hearts of users must become the top priority of businesses. Only in this way can good circular competition be generated and good experience be brought to users.
Zhengzhou Borui Carter Tool Co., Ltd. is a high-tech enterprise that focuses on the R & D, production and sales service of diamond tools and is based on the forefront of the high-tech field. It is specialized in the R & D, production and sales of diamond tools. With the spirit of innovation, it continues to develop, practice and actively explore diamond tools. At present, it has become one of the most influential enterprises in the field of diamond tools.